Men's testosterone levels declined in last 20 years
Could it be that too much French red wine and cheese is being eaten by the "Blue State" metro-sexuals?
Which may help explain this comment from John "Pussnuts" Kerry (HT to for "Pussnuts"):
“You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.” John Francois Pussnuts Kerry, October 31, 2006
Of course those "idiots stuck in Iraq" have a few thoughts of their own on the subject. Here are a few of my favorites:
- From - New York Post has an article "Inside Unit that Outwitted Kerry" with the details concerning the picture posted below.
From TCoverride:
" Bottom line, these Republicans want to debate straw men (have you looked in the mirror lately? You're a pair of coveralls and a song away from Oz) because they’re afraid to debate real men (Real men? Like who, Hillary? I'm a real man. Come to my house and debate me. It will start like this: "Hi, I'm Senator Kerry and unngh--Please! Stop! Ow! Ow! My Eyes! Ungh! What are you doing with that hammer?! and it'd get worse from there.)
- From Sgt.Hook:
Maybe Mr. Kerry is right, I don’t know how I made it in the gottdamned Army for 20-years, unable to tell my ass from my elbow, just dumb luck I guess. And I’ll bet that piece of sheepskin hangin’ on Hook’s wall from the University of Maryland came from a Cracker Jack box. We’re all just a bunch of stupid soldjurs who “got stuck” because instead of making an effort in school to be smart, we fed our homework to the dawgs. Guess I should’ve worked harder in home economics.
I’ve known a lot of soldjurs in my day, and as dumb as they all were, I’ve not met a more honorable bunch. In fact, I’d pick anyone of them stupid stuck bastards over Mr. Kerry anyday to be on my team, at least I know where the soldurs stand and that their word means somethin’. Somebody should’ve busted Kerry’s chops a long gottdamned time ago cause the arrogant sumbitch just don’t get it.
Against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
- From DhimmiThis
The part of his quote that bothers me the most is the assumption that these soldiers are stuck in Iraq. This is a Vietnam era type of mindset which the left wing of the Democratic Party can't seem to let go. The reenlistment rate of soldiers who have been to Iraq are "going through the roof."
"The war is not only not having a negative effect, but it is helping to reinforce the number of people who want to join," said Cmdr. John Kirby, a spokesman for the Navy's Bureau of Personnel."
Is this because they are doing something that they want to do or because they are so stuck and so dumb that they can't figure out how to get out to not re-enlist? What do you say Pussnuts?
Pussnuts is known to have credited his magic hat (for you Armed Forces types it's on his head)with giving him the strength to carry on. "Given to me by a CIA guy as we went in for a special mission in Cambodia."